
Intentions are a direction for our energy. They serve as a compass through and out of familiar territory into new habits, environments, and relationships. They are a bridge between the heart and action in the world.




What does health look like? Usually, something like eating and sleeping well; hydrating; having loving relationships; being mentally, emotionally, and financially secure; bringing care to choosing our experiences; and finding meaning in life. You can see that within these broad parameters, your lifestyle can take many shapes and sizes. Although, anything that prevents any of this is a candidate for healing. It’s an individual choice that does not make you better or worse than anyone else. It simply means acknowledging any wounds or limitations you carry, having the willingness to examine them, and tapping into the love needed to address them fully, once and for all.

Healing means leaving the past in the past, embracing the unknown future, and being fully in the present moment. There are countless ways to heal, yet it is important to remember that no healing occurs unless you accept and welcome it. You are ultimately responsible, even if you work with healers, therapists, guides, shamans, yogis, substances, or other helpers.

As we heal individually, we bring that healing to our families, our communities, and the planet. It frees us to pursue our purpose, find fuller enjoyment in our lives, and continually learn.


We are all in this together. Plants, animals, minerals, fungi, mountains, oceans, the sun and moon, humans, everything you see. We are all connected in a network of energy. All that we do impacts the whole. It’s an immense responsibility to be met head-on.

Service is the expression of that responsibility: “How can I help?” What do you offer that no one else does? There is only one you in the whole world and being the fullest realization of that is your unique form of service.

This can be anything at all that does not bring harm to others. It requires full self-honesty, retraining the ego, integrity, and placing care as the top priority to ensure this.


The process of awakening to reality as it is can be a jarring one, akin to being born again. Like you were experiencing the world before with a filter over your senses that has now been lifted. Colors seem brighter, sounds seem louder, sensations seem more intense, emotions seem more powerful. Life was once a flat, dull drawing and is now a full 3D movie.

Like Neo leaving the Matrix, there is a relearning process to step into this newfound power. Belief is shown to be inherently limiting, as it stems from the known. Imagination and desire as well. Our emotions transform from controlling forces to helpful guides. We become channels for energy that is called for in the moment.

We surrender the need to control the external world, the hunger for power or validation from others, the feeling of separateness and threat. And into this newly created space floods harmony, ease, trust, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, peace, love. It is a renewed orientation to life.