
Dan Chung

Healer / Consultant / Guide / Counselor / Group Facilitator

My Story

Hello! And welcome!

As an introduction, I started my healing journey in the fall of 2013 when I stopped working full-time (right around the time of my Saturn return). I didn’t even know what healing was; I just acknowledged I couldn’t keep going the way I was. I’ve always been heavily interested in the arts and technology, which was how I was spending most of my time at that point, yet I was disconnected from my self and my life in ways I had yet to understand. Work was the first commitment that I shifted to allow for more space and time to address my holistic health. I’ve since untangled my sense of self-worth from productivity.

Over the years since then, it has been a healing process exploring several modalities, a purification of the harming influences in my life, and a discovery of aspects of myself I hadn’t yet met (making pottery, for instance). I’ve been sober and smoke-free since January 2016 after a lifelong relationship with escapism through abusing alcohol and cigarettes. I learned to cook, eat primarily vegetarian, and have released my emotional binge eating patterns. I prioritize love and soul connection. I dress and furnish my home with natural materials. I do my best to refrain from gossip. I meditate daily. These choices allow me to feel more embodied than ever.

I first tried acupuncture in 2015. Yoga was soon to follow in 2016. These began teaching me to treat my body differently, which in turn resulted in having more energy to explore experimental areas. I had my first ThetaHealing session around mid-2016. The impact of this led to getting certified myself and continuing to explore other modalities. Life has opened up to me in ways I never imagined and I have opened myself to life as well. Healing has shifted my life from a vicious cycle of punishment, guilt, shame, and fear to a more virtuous cycle of growth, gentleness, self-encouragement, and learning.


I believe humor to be one of the greatest medicines. I’ve found considerable joy in writing poems, making pottery, and walking. I find service to others an extremely fulfilling and enjoyable way to use my time. Listening is one of my favorite pleasures, whether in conversation or by following the signs of synchronicity. I fully embrace, value, and embody the feminine side of life. Enjoyment of life is vital.

I see all aspects of life (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, societal, political, and so on) as being interwoven layers. Any suffering, wounds, limitations, inequality, injustice, unhealth, falsity, violence, or abuse in any individual layer impacts all layers. Letting world events feed an inner feeling of depression, despair, or hopelessness does not help anyone. Individually, we can look to uphold self-honesty, self-compassion, self-knowledge, and integrity. Collectively, we can care for all beings and work together to express our own unique ways of alleviating the immediate suffering we see around us. It is not only possible to live this way. It is our highest potential.